Die Worte WIR SIND AVANTGARDE! in weißer Schrift auf schwarzem Untergrund.

Oral History for the Archiv der Avantgarden — Egidio Marzona (ADA)

WE ARE AVANT-GARDE! is a documentation and research project focused on the history and significance of the Archiv der Avantgarden (ADA). The films document conversations held since 2020 about the practice of collecting, the motivation driving it, the conception of and content found in the ADA and the various artistic approaches and strategies therein, along with their social contexts. The collected conversations are gradually coalescing into an “archive for the archive.”


Zwei Personen sitzen gegenüber an einem langen Holztisch und werden dabei gefilmt.
Filming with Ursula Block and Egidio Marzona, Block’s home, Berlin, November 25, 2020


A collection like the Archiv der Avantgarden (ADA) from Egidio Marzona, with its over 1.5 million objects, cannot be created by a single individual. Such a project can only be realized through collaboration with friends and associates around the world. WE ARE AVANT-GARDE! examines this network by inviting those involved to take part in filmed conversations, including gallerists from whom the collector acquired archives, artists whose works he added to his holdings, other collectors, descendants who entrusted him with estates, and numerous other people from his global network. In their personal or professional surroundings, the protagonists speak about the ADA, about (their) artistic work, about artistic movements and their visions, about actors within the world of art and about access to art. In these conversations, they address individual experiences and perspectives and offer in-depth reflections, in addition to touching on the emotional aspect as well.

The progressively expanding archive WE ARE AVANT-GARDE! thus documents a web of individual-biographical and socio-political discourses and artistic reflections, thereby augmenting the ADA to create a multi-layered picture of the avant-gardes of the 20th century.

WE ARE AVANT-GARDE! – the title describes the protagonists in the videos just as it does this project aimed at deepening understanding of a unique archive.


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Oral History zum Archiv der Avantgarden — Egidio Marzona (ADA)

Use the Oral History Archive!

Through the conversations, visitors to the collection – either in the Blockhaus or online – will get to know people who were of special importance to the Archiv der Avantgarden (ADA). 

Use the Oral History Archive!

They will learn background information about certain objects or individual collections within the archive, about overarching questions of art history and about the ADA itself. In the SKD Online Collection, the films and their transcripts are often linked to objects or people discussed – as they are to other films that address related topics. The transcripts will be available in German and English. They have been carefully edited, indexed and provided with DOI links for citation purposes. 

Users are invited to let the film discussions lead them to new insights about the ADA and the avant-gardes of the 20th century – and their significance for today!

zwei Personen in einem Garten vor einer Kamera
© 2024 Konzept- und Gesamtprojektleitung
Filming with Angela Thomas Schmid and Egidio Marzona, Bill’s home, Zumikon, July 13, 2023


WE ARE AVANT-GARDE! captures the knowledge and reflections of contemporaries as important sources on the ADA and its holdings. In view of the advanced age of many of the protagonists, it is an undertaking that could not be delayed. The project thus documents the highly personal and socio-historically characteristic views and knowledge of gallerists, artists, collectors, estate managers and numerous other people in the collector’s global network.

The Protagonists

A network of thoughts, visions, discourses, utopias

Einblicke Slider

Link zu Protagonistinnen und Protagonisten

List of protagonists

The Archive for the Archive

The archive WE ARE AVANT-GARDE! is divided into six concentric thematic areas that provide different access points into the ADA and its importance, thus complementing our understanding of the 20th century avant-gardes. The structure of the interconnected thematic areas is based on a dynamic of growth: Starting from the collector himself, Egidio Marzona, and his concept for the Archiv der Avantgarden that he founded (Marzona’s Manifesto), the conversations are dedicated to the sources of inspiration (Marzona’s Atlas), practical approaches (Marzona’s Practice), the project’s prehistory (Archeology of the Collection) and the numerous individuals involved (Archeology of the Collection), the project’s prehistory (Archeology of the Collection) and the numerous individuals involved (Marzona’s Network), and finally reflects on the context of the time period involved through conversations focused on art-historical and socio-political themes (The Archiv der Avantgarden in the Expanded Field). 


The title is derived from the numerous manifestos that have been written by avant-garde artist groups since the beginning of the 20th century, many of which are also part of the Archiv der Avantgarden (ADA). They articulate statements and elucidate objectives and intentions.

Marzona’s Manifesto is a kind of legacy of donor Egidio Marzona in the form of a statement explaining his concept of the archive. The collector speaks about his personal history and his first encounters with art, about the development of his collection and about his ideas and visions for the presentation of the archive as a pioneering museum and research institution. Topics also include his other projects, such as the Prato d'Arte in Verzegnis, Italy, his art collection of the 1960s in the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen zu Berlin and his publishing house Edition Marzona, where he released publications on numerous subjects, including on Bauhaus, which have since become standard works. 

The camera captures the collector in various settings: at the ADA, at home in Berlin and while traveling.

The title is a nod to the famous Bilderatlas Mnemosyne (Mnemosyne Atlas) by Aby M. Warburg. The conversations in Marzona’s Atlas are dedicated to individuals, books and other artifacts that have had a decisive influence on Egidio Marzona and his concept for the Archiv der Avantgarden (ADA). One of the hallmarks of the ADA is that these inspirations come not only from the visual arts, but also from various cultural fields, such as philosophy, architecture, design and literature. Key positions in Marzona’s Atlas are occupied, for example, by Hans Arp’s and El Lissitzky’s book Die Kunstismen (The Isms of Art), artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Carl Andre and Paul Scheerbart, as well as friends and role models, including Konrad Fischer and Heinz Rasch, with their diverse approaches and influences. 

Together, these pillars of the archive form an atlas – a kind of individual interpretation of 20th century art history through the lens of the collector Marzona. For visitors, the films provide guidance within the ADA. From this core, the structure of the archive fans out through the isms of art in the 20th century. 

The films in this thematic area illustrate the practice behind the Archiv der Avantgarden (ADA). They address aspects of the collection’s methodology and structure, include questions on the documentation of the practice of images, and they present practical decisions relating to the development of the collection and networks. 

The seemingly insignificant photos document the work of the founder, day-to-day operations and activities related to the archive, including trips, hauling books, bagging objects or filing items in the black binders. The films show how the collector found his sources around the world, sorted and systematized the vast amount of material and organized his own library. In the process, fundamental conceptual approaches as well as (art) historical constellations become recognizable behind the apparent banality of everyday life.

The Archiv der Avantgarden (ADA) is comprised of entire collections and estates that Egidio Marzona acquired across four decades from artists, researchers, gallerists and collectors. Many of the people who contributed to today’s ADA have since passed away or are otherwise unavailable for interviews. In the thematic area Archeology of the Collection, the few, often fragmentary and scattered traces from the past that are still available are brought together. 

Egidio Marzona reconstructs the history of individual collections in numerous conversations about people and institutions, including the John Weber Gallery, Klaus Falkenstein, Hans Bolliger, Pierre Restany, Hertha Wescher and Tommaso Trini. The conversations delve into fundamental questions: How did he come to acquire the collections? What connected him with the person in question? What is the significance of the materials both historically and within the context of the ADA? How did the acquisition come about? The conversations provide a portrait of important figures in 20th century art (history) in addition to offering valuable information for future source work and provenance research. 

Egidio Marzona speaks about or with important protagonists from the art world: his colleagues, people who have inspired him and those who share similar passions. He acquired individual objects or entire collections from many of them, and they are able to share their varied backgrounds in conversation. Whether they built up the specific collection themselves or acted as estate executors – they generally have an interest in reflecting on the future of their holdings within the Archiv der Avantgarden (ADA) and to contribute their visions to the archive. The two-fold transformation of the collection is also traced in these conversations: The transition from the respective owners to the collector and, further, to the new institution ADA can be traced in the conversations.

The conversations in Marzona’s Network are mostly dialogues between the collector and the protagonists. To document the places where the events occurred, the conversations, to the degree possible, are held where the material is or was originally located – in the home of the respective collectors, at Marzona’s home in Berlin or at the ADA, for example.

The Marzona Collection in Berlin and the ADA in Dresden date back to the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, when Egidio Marzona built up his network of artists, art dealers and collectors, thus becoming an influential protagonist in the art scene of the time. 

In these videos, important contemporary witnesses speak with the collector about the zeitgeist, historical events, social and political backgrounds and moods, such as the aspirations, dreams and role models of the period, especially the 1968 generation. The conversations document the broad context of a significant historical turning point. 

The title alludes to one of Rosalind Krauss’ most important essays: “Sculpture in the Expanded Field.” In that essay, written in 1979, the theorist and critic developed a new concept of sculpture in view of the fundamentally new artistic works of the time, addressing their complex forms of reflecting the spatial, social, political and historical context. The play on words thereby hints at the upheavals of that time and its art, as well as to the revolutionary character of the archive. 

The Interviews

Procedure and Methodology

To explore the knowledge and perspectives of the protagonists, WE ARE AVANT-GARDE! uses oral history methodology but also incorporates question formats associated with traditional interviews. 

The content and form of the conversations are as varied as the protagonists and the interview contexts. In some instances, the camera captures relatively spontaneous monologue narratives or dialogues between several speakers, while other films are characterized by a clearly recognizable structure through prepared questions and a carefully planned setting. Some conversations, for example, take place in front of an art object, in the form of a one-on-one conversation or during the handing over of a collection. The questioners deliberately stay out of the spotlight and the questions posed orally appear as question panels in the archive videos. 

The films are edited in postproduction to offer users a more condensed version of the conversation that has been reduced to a manageable length. In parallel to the videos, quotable transcripts of the conversations are being made available to users in both German and English.


Konzept und Gesamtprojektleitung / Concept and overall project lead: Monika Branicka, Dr. Pirkko Rathgeber 

Produktionsleitung / Production management: René Biermann – adhoc film Dresden 
Kamera / Camera: Martin Bochmann, René Dohme, Felix Greif 
Ton / Sound: Simon Hückstädt, Uwe Laux, Lutz Leischke, Felix Schlechte 
Schnitt / Editing: Igor Mariniuk, Alexander Wolter 

Transkription / Transcription: Andrea Notroff 
Lektorat / Copy editing: Dr. Dagmar Deuring 
Übersetzung Englisch / Translation English: Daryl Lindsey, Charles Hawley – Dacha Media 

Grafik / Graphics: Helen Stelthove 
Motion Design / Motion design: Aljoscha Höhborn 
Sound Design / Sound design: Giovanni Dubini 

Daphne Erfassung / Daphne Documentation: Katrin Bielmeier


We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks first and foremost to Egidio Marzona for his inspirational, gracious and extremely generous support, without which the extensive research and preparations for the oral history project WE ARE AVANT-GARDE! would not have been possible. Through his patient sharing of his wide-ranging knowledge and valuable contacts over the course of three years, the project – from inception to realization – could be brought to fruition.

We would also like to thank all of the protagonists who agreed to step in front of the camera to share their knowledge and perspectives with the project team and users.

Our gratitude also extends to the production and film team for their trusting and reliable collaboration, our editorial team for their meticulous attention to detail and, last but not least, the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. We likewise wish to extend our thanks to all those who have supported the project.

Monika Branicka and Dr. Pirkko Rathgeber

Citation and copyright

WE ARE AVANT-GARDE! An Oral History Archive for the Archiv der Avantgarden – Egidio Marzona (ADA), Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. By Monika Branicka and Pirkko Rathgeber, 2024, DOI: 10.58749/skd.ada.2024.ohp, www.doi.org/10.58749/skd.ada.2024.ohp 

Project organiser

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden / Archiv der Avantgarden – Egidio Marzona: 
Dr. Rudolf Fischer, director ADA; Friederike Fast, research associate ADA / curator; ada(at)skd.museum

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